Ich suche einen Titel von einem Lied?
mukesh s
2007-06-03 12:34:19 UTC
das lied habe ich nur einmal gehört. ich weiß weder den titel noch den interpret und ich weiß leider nur noch eine kleine text stelle: "tonight you care with my smile"
vielleicht weiß trotz der wenigen angaben die ich nur machen konnte jemand den titel oder den interpret?!?!?
Vier antworten:
2007-06-03 12:38:03 UTC
Das müsste ziemlich sicher Tonight von Reamonn sein.
2007-06-03 19:41:01 UTC
Ich kenne von Reamon - Tonight

Die Textstelle ist sehr ähnlich:

Oh, tonight, you killed me with your smile!

Vielleicht passt das ja ...
2007-06-04 19:34:01 UTC
Also ich hoff mal wir liegen alle richtig mit unserer Vermutung, aber vom Text her kommt das doch gut hin, wenn auch nicht ganz ; ).

In Tonight von Reamonn heißt es:

"Oh tonight you killed me with your smile"


She never took the train alone

She hated being on her own

She always took me by the hands

And say she needs me

She never wanted love to fail

She always hoped that it was real

She'd look me in the eyes

and sayed believe me.

And then the night becomes the day

And there?s nothing left to say

If there's nothing left to say

Then something?s wrong.


Oh tonight, you killed me with your smile.

So beautiful and wild, so beautiful.

Oh tonight, you killed me with your smile.

So beautiful and wild so beautiful and wild.

And as the hands would turn with time

She'd always say that she was my mine

She'd turn and lend a smile,

To say that she's gone.

But in a whisper she'd arrive

And dance into my life.

Like a music melody,

Like a lovers song.


Oh tonight, you killed me with your smile.

So beautiful and wild, so beautiful.

Oh tonight, you killed me with your smile.

So beautiful and wild, so beautiful and wild.

Through the darkest night

Comes the brightest light.

And the light that shines

Is deep inside.

It's who you are.


Oh tonight, you killed me with your smile.

So beautiful and wild, so beautiful.

Oh tonight, you killed me with your smile.

So beautiful and wild so beautiful... beautiful!

Oh tonight, you killed me with your smile.

So beautiful and wild, so beautiful and wild.

So beautiful and wild.

So beautiful and wild.

Hoffe wir konnten dir helfen!
2007-06-03 19:46:52 UTC
Das müsste Tonight von Reamonn sein. hier ne' Hörprobe:


She never took the train alone

she hated being on her own


She always took me by the hands

and say she needs me


She never wanted in love to fail

she always hoped that it was real


She'd look me in the eyes and say 'believe me'


And then the night becomes the day

and there’s nothing left to say


If there's nothing left to say

then something’s wrong



Oh tonight you killed me with your smile

so beautiful and wild so beautiful


Oh tonight you killed me with your smile

so beautiful and wild so beautiful and wild


And as the hands would turn with time

she'd always say that she was my mine


She'd turn and lend a smile

to say that she's gone


But in a whisper she'd arrive

and danced into my life


Like a music melody

like a lovers song


Through the darkest night


comes the brightest light

And the light that shines

is deep inside


It's who you are


Oh tonight you killed me with your smile


so beautiful and wild so beautiful

Oh tonight you killed me with your smile


so beautiful and wild so beautiful …beautiful

Oh tonight you killed me with your smile


so beautiful and wild so beautiful and wild

So beautiful and wild


So beautiful and wild

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